Monday, July 23, 2012

UMVC3 Tier List (my opinion)

Ok, so in my next post on this blog, I though it would be cool to get back on track with some Marvel and add my tier list. Now don't let a tier list tell you who to use and who not to use. It's just a speculation of what characters have the most tools and advantages available to them, that being said, there have been many a tournamants that i've been to that a low-tier team completely destroyed a high tier team. So without further adieu, I presnt my Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 tier list.

D Tier: Hsien-KO, Pheonix Wright, Iron Man, Shuma, Tron, Ghost Rider,

C Tier: Thor, Nemesis, Iron Fist, She-Hulk, Deadpool, Spiderman, Chun li, Arthur

B Tier: Ryu, Captain America, Chris Redfield, Storm, X-23, Sentinel, Trish, Jill, Rocket Racoon, Haggar, Viewtiful Joe, Doctor Strange, Frank West, MODOK, Fire Brand, Hawkeye, Felicia

A Tier: Nova, Akuma, Task Master, Skrull, Strider, Ammy, Hulk, Dorm., Wolverine

S Tier: Morrigan, Wesker, Dante, Doom, Magneto,

Why are you in this game tier: C.Viper, Vergil, Spencer, *Zero*, Pheonix